1956 and Marion Brooks is a dance teacher. After her mother passed away, she and her older sister Judy were raised by their strict father who believed that women should be secretaries or teachers. Certainly not dancers. After Marion is fired, she goes to an oIt'spen audition at Radio City Music Hall to try out to become a member of the Rockettes. While her father is expecting Marion to get engaged and settle down as a housewife, she is terrified to tell him that she has gotten the job as a Rockette. She moves to New York City into the Rehearsal Club boarding house with fellow Rockette Bunny. Through Bunny's paramour, Marion meets Peter Griggs, a psychiatrist who intrigues her. While Marion is working tirelessly to become part of the dance troupe, Manhattan is being terrorized by a man dubbed "The Big Apple Bomber" who targets major New York landmarks. He's already hit Radio City before and his most recent attack changes everything for Marion. Griggs, who has great insight into the troubled mind, gets involved with the case.
Leave it to Fiona Davis to keep bringing the most iconic places in New York City into her fabulous works of historical fiction. In The Spectacular, she has chosen one of my favorites. If you're old enough, you may remember when you not only saw the Rockettes perform but you also got to see a top movie. Some of my fondest memories with my family took place within this art deco masterpiece so this reading journey was such a pleasure. Not only do we get a behind-the-scenes look at what it took back then to become a Rockette, but Davis incorporates the true story of the "Mad Bomber of New York," the first case that used criminal profiling. But read the book first before checking out the details. A dual timeline element set in 1992 adds to the appeal as Marion returns for a Special Christmas Spectacular - Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Rockettes.
Many thanks to the author and publisher for the advance copy. Every book by Fiona Davis brings me great joy. And that cover!!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: June 13, 2023
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