This highly creative book is told in four parts. The first begins with the story of Benjamin Rask, a financier who survives and even thrives after the Wall Street crash of 1929. His wife Helen suffers from mental illness and dies in a Swiss sanitarium. Benjamin is presented as cold and conniving. We learn that this story of Rask is actually a book entitled “Bonds” by writer Harold Vanner. Part two tells a similar story. But this time, it’s the memoir of Andrew Bevel, one of the country’s wealthiest men and his story is very similar and in parts almost identical to the fictional Benjamin Rask. In part three, Ida Partenza, a writer, recalls when Andrew Bevel hired her to help him write his memoir and to present an accurate portrayal of his life, especially of his late wife Mildred and to discredit the Vanner book. In part four, we get to read Mildred’s personal journal and get a new perspective on the Bevel legacy.
Author Hernan Diaz is very inventive. This is not only a book-in-a-book, but a lot more. Each section is written differently and it’s not a light read. Prepare to take your time and get lost in this compelling book. Initially, I wondered where it was all going, questioning if it was worth continuing but I was confident it would all come together nicely. It did. This book is more than its well-developed concept. It's a fascinating look at the complexity of getting to the truth. Ultimately, it begs the question, “which version of Trust do you trust?”
Intrigued? Check Trust out to see if it’s for you.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: May 3, 2022.
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Another great review.