Alex is a mother of twin 12-year-old girls from her first marriage and is happily married to Patrick, a successful money manager who also appears as a regular contributor on the local news. Her Instagram account "Unapologetically Alex" has grown to one million followers based on her well-received platform of speaking about women's issues with positivity and honesty. As she works to monetize her new fame, Alex hires AC (Anna Claire) as her personal assistant. After a night of celebration and too much drinking with her husband and assistant, Alex awakens to thousands of disgruntled followers who are shocked by her most recent post bashing the behavior of a former Disney star calling her horrible things. Alex's fans quickly turn against her. Their posts elevate to threats against Alex and her family. And while the situation gets out of control, Alex is convinced that she didn't write the post. The only person who also had access to her account was assistant AC, who has disappeared.
Author Kimberly Belle's The Personal Assistant kept me glued wanting to find out what was truly going on. This engaging thriller is told from different characters' perspectives and kept me guessing as the story unfolded with some unexpected twists and turns. And while this modern-day story presents how easily social media can be manipulated, it also reinforces that age-old hiring advice - check references!! And check out this page-turner.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Mystery / Thriller.
Publication Date: November 29, 2022.
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Great review.
I'm looking forward to reading this one. She's one of my favorite authors.
Have a great week!