It’s 1962 and located in Brooklyn Heights is a dress shop called The Starlite which is owned by Madeline, a talented dress designer and ex wife of a local councilman. After hours, the shop becomes a club, a haven for women young and old looking for a true sisterhood. The women read poetry, dance, sing and escape their own worlds filled with restrictions. Within this diverse group of women, we get to know Elaine, who is living with her alcoholic fiancé and works as a fact checker for a newspaper. And Lisa, who works as a Pan-Am flight attendant and loves her job but views it as temporary as she has set her sights on getting engaged while overlooking her boyfriend Billy’s many faults.
The Starlite gives the women strength to look beyond the limitations society has bestowed upon them. When tragedy strikes, will their sisterhood hold them together?
The early 60s is an interesting time in history and author Danielle Martin does a good job creating the right feel for the period. While on the cusp of great societal changes, when this book takes place, women are still second class citizens. Most of the male characters in the book are either pathetic or horrible which seems a bit too much but you’ll root for these women while realizing how much times have truly changed.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Alcove Books and the author for an advance copy of Glimmer As You Can. I was born and raised in Brooklyn and this book offered a nice journey back in time to a place I know so well. And what a great book cover!
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Women's Fiction / Historical Fiction.
Publication Date: November 10, 2020.
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