Mari Alvarez is a local television crime reporter. She's back to work after being suspended and has to cover soft new stories before she gets her crime beat back. She has to be on her best behavior. While heading out to Busch Gardens for a human-interest story, Mari stumbles upon a gruesome crime scene in her West Tampa neighborhood. The murder of a woman has eerie similarities to her own mother's unsolved murder ten years ago. As the killings continue, Mari is compelled to do her own investigation knowing that it will put her job and perhaps even her life in jeopardy. She is determined to help all the broken girls left behind as she is one of them.
Author Linda Hurtado Bond is, by day, the news anchor for Fox 13 in Tampa, Florida. This entertaining thriller shows that Hurtado Bond clearly knows the world of Mari. All the Broken Girls was an interesting and satisfying mystery. I found the look into Cuban American culture especially appealing - from the azabache charm given to her by her Abuela Bonita to the Old-World superstitions that are practiced. Check this one out.
Many thanks to the author and Entangled / Amara for the advance copy.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
Mystery / Thriller.
Publication Date: August 23, 2022.
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This one sounds interesting! Nice review.